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Have you ever heard of another Bazetta? Probably not because it is believed to be the only community of this name, perhaps in the whole world. The story is told by many, and recorded at least once in an issue of the Western Reserve Chronicle, that the name was chosen by Edward Scofield, one of this area's first settlers.

Scofield's daughter told the reporter that her father chose the name for the township from the Bible. We're not certain what Bible Mr. Scofield used, but it isn't in any we've ever seen.

In 1989, local resident Bob Smith reported the following: "I discovered that 'Bazetta' was the name of a popular tune/melody as a religious hymn during the early 1800's.  I surmise that influential pioneers of the township area voted or otherwise decided to name the township after their favorite? song-hymn."

3 r up the stream.jpg
First Settlers 
By Aaron Davis 
Bazetta, Ohio 

December 25,1875


Wild Animals of Bazetta Township


The History of Trumbull and Mahoning Counties, 1882



Bazetta and the Cicil War



Our Soldiers Who Served


Mosquito Lake 
By Virgil L. Shilling
Cortland Conservation Club 

May 27, 1945

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